President of the Public Union, chairman of the supervisory board
Citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the General Director of Akelik Group in Ukraine and Eastern Europe.
More than 10 years I actively develop construction business in Ukraine with faith in the potential of this state which has become a second home and a second Motherland for me.
I am engaged in the development of various start-ups, business projects and I am a business mentor for young entrepreneurs.
On February 24, the life of each of us was divided into before and after. From the beginning of the aggression as a citizen of another country I could leave Ukraine without any problems. But I have the honor to help a country that has become my second Motherland. At the same time, I decided to create a Humanitarian Coordination Center on the basis of the Public Union «Ukrainian Fund of Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving» and help the civilian population, the Armed Forces of Ukraine and Ukraine in general.
In Azerbaijan, we have a proverb that literally sounds like: «I drank the water of this land». For me, it means that in a difficult moment I cannot leave in trouble the land that fed me for many years, which gave me all the opportunities and resources for developing a successful business, which became my second Motherland.
It is my duty and call to help on the way to victory. Because as our entire team says — «Our choice is life. Now!»